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Active Project
Missing Middle Code Amendments
Policy Recommendations
Project Overview
The Topeka Planning Commission has initiated a process to implement “missing middle” policy recommendations as found in the City of Topeka’s Land Use and Growth Management Plan (LUGMP 2040) and Citywide Housing Market Study/Strategy (Housing Study). Definitions for purposes of this process include:
- Missing middle housing is defined as any properties with two (2) to twenty (20) dwelling units
- Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a smaller, independent residential dwelling unit located on the same lot as a stand-alone (i.e., detached) single-family home.
The purpose of this process is to consider reforms to the City’s zoning regulations or comprehensive plan policies in a timely manner that:
- Open up a greater supply of housing choices for naturally occurring affordable housing including infill/missing middle typologies.
- Attract a larger pool of property owners and developers to provide marketable housing solutions across a full spectrum of incomes, demographics, and lifecycles
- Grow lasting value within our existing neighborhoods and city footprint equitably and compatibly (‘hidden density”)
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